This article is meant for you if you don't have any resources to integrate PD Measurement.
The link to the standalone page can be used in a customer support email or in a confirmation email.
We provide the link, it opens in a new tab, end-users perform the measure.
What is a standalone link and why use it?
You have no access to development/integration resources. We create a page, hosted on Fittingbox's servers, where PD measures are performed according to your contract.
You can find detailed information here : Where to implement, in the "Standalone in a new tab" paragraph.
Since a standalone page requires no integration, its edits are limited.
However, you can customize the following items:
- The theme (Dark/Light)
- The main color of the page
- The font color of the text
- The validation colors of the guidelines
All the edits are to be made in the URL link of the standalone page.
Customize your standalone page
You can make some edits in order for the standalone page to match your brand image and your website.
Note: If you want a specific color, the color code needs to be in hexadecimal and you'll have to replace '#' by '%23'.
e.g.: The color code '#FFB706' needs to by implemented as '%23FFB706'
All the examples below are based on a mock APIKey: if you want to customize your solution, you'll need to edit your own personal APIKey (that was provided by our team).
- Here is how your standalone link looks like without any edits:
- Choose between Dark or Light mode
By default, the standalone page is set with the light theme.
If you want a dark theme, please make this edit:
- By default, in either theme (dark & light), the main color is #6CB4CC (blue)
- Choose the main color
For example, you'd like to have yellow (#FFB706) as your main color:
You need to replace '#FFB706' by '%23FFB706'.
- By default, the main font color named "instructionColor" is:
- %23FFFFFF for dark mode
- %23181B1C for light mode
For example, the main font color set in dark mode:
- Choose the font color of the text
For example, you want a green (#32CD32) font color:
You need to replace '#32CD32' by '%2332CD32'.
- By default, the validation colors are set either for dark and light mode as follow:
- colorValid: %2378C700
- colorMid: %23FFA400
- colorWrong: %23FF0000
For example, the mock link with the validation colors by default and in dark mode will be:
- Change the validation colors of the guidelines
You want to change the default color by this yellow (#FFB706).
You need to replace '#FFB706' by '%23FFB706'
Here are examples of 2 mock links with customized edits:
Exemple 1:
- dark mode
- pink font color (#D08B8B)
- gold main color (#beae51)
- validation color (by default)"mainColor":"%23beae51","colorWrong":"%23FF0000","buttonTextColor":"FFF","instructionColor":"%23D08B8B","colorMid":"%23FFA400","colorValid":"%23FFB706"%7D
Example 2:
- a light mode
- a dark font color (#181B1C by default for light mode)
- a gold main color (#beae51)
- validation color (by default)"mainColor":"%23beae51","colorWrong":"%23FF0000","buttonTextColor":"FFF","instructionColor":"%23181B1C","colorMid":"%23FFA400","colorValid":"%23FFB706"%7D
- You can't integrate the product on your own website directly (the standalone page will be opened in a new tab).
- The option for the PD measures to be automatically retrieved on our website is not available with a standalone page.
API Key for PD Measurement
Sent by Fittingbox team once the contract is signed.
ie. 6hKjd9zh5gDa7C1mqY3UnbjOlsLvCfqly45hd1 (non functionnal) -
Options choosed by you
URL Parameters
- referrer