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Eyewear e-commerce: How to convert undecided shoppers?

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Explore some actions to convert undecided shoppers

What are the main roadblocks encountered by shoppers?

How to ensure shoppers get glasses that fit properly?

What solutions can increase engagement and conversions?

Why understanding the roadblocks of online shoppers in eyewear?

Even though online shopping is more and more convenient in the eyewear industry, many users still hesitate to buy glasses online.

Why's that? Because a few key issues impact their decision:

  1. They want to check if the glasses fit properly
  2. They feel the need to hold and touch the product
  3. They are unsure about choosing the right lenses for the frame
  4. They need to be convinced by the user experience

By understanding these roadblocks, you can develop strategies to overcome them. This approach will help enhance customer satisfaction, build trust, and ultimately increase online sales.


How to set up the actions that help convert undecided shoppers?

At Fittingbox, by working with various eyewear businesses, we have identified the key actions needed to convert undecided shoppers.
Matthieu Montpellier, Head of Customer Success, and Justo Torres, Sales Account Executive, discusses these main action to build trust and reduce doubts to purchase:

  • How to implement virtual try-on tools to ensure proper fit?
  • How to use pupillary distance measurement tools for accuracy?
  • How to provide lenses simulation to help customers choose the right lenses?